District heating and cooling


Tenerga's innovative ESCO project with shallow geothermal energy - Sterea

Our customer Tenerga Energy Services has cooperated in the Sterea project, 10.4 hectares of land between Sterrebeek and Tervuren turned into a vibrant living space. This area offers a variety of housing options, from apartments to assisted-living residences and villas to park residences, all designed to promote tranquility in line with the surrounding environment.

General customer info

Amount of Connections
BPO Advanced


Customer satisfaction


Another number

2 500


256 481 450


€ 85

euro number

The project stands out for operating on shallow geothermal energy, which proves to be the most cost-effective solution for heating and cooling. To achieve this, a BTES (Borehole Thermal Energy Storage) system with 42 boreholes, each 105 m deep, has been implemented.

Our hardware meter partner Ecompany has installed Kamstrup smart meters and Elvaco AB data loggers. The readout is done remotely and sent to the Zero Friction platform on a daily basis. From there on, we’ll make sure that the residents gain insights into their consumption and costs within this innovative project.

We are thrilled to be part of this project!

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