Shift Invest investment round
We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully raised EUR 2.3 million from impact investor SHIFT Invest and our existing investors. This new funding will be utilized to expand our (development) team, allowing us to enhance the Zero Friction platform with even more exciting functionalities. Additionally, these funds will enable Zero Friction to expand into new geographic markets, further promoting the transition to more sustainable heating and cooling solutions.

Zero Friction plays animportant role in this transition. Wim Jacobs, CEO Zero Friction emphasizes: “The ZeroFriction platform brings Digital Transformation to existing and new heatsuppliers, both small and large with a significant focus on (end)customerexperience and enabling the heat transition at an affordable cost. This is instrong contrast compared to how traditional solutions handle meter reading,billing, and customer interaction. With SHIFT Invest on board, we can accelerate ourdevelopments even further to maximally support the heat transition in Europe.”
We look forward to this collaboration and wantto thank the team for their huge effort over the past years.